'Tons Of Kids Were Dumping Baskets Of Candy Out': Trick-Or-Treaters Leave Candy For Hospitalized Boy

November 4, 2024

Today's good news story comes from Woodhaven, Michigan.

This Halloween, kids in Michigan neighborhood turned a simple night of trick-or-treating into an unforgettable show of kindness for a young boy in the hospital.

good news story Halloween
WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7

Amy Schmitt and her son Jacob always look forward to dressing up and handing out candy on Halloween. But this year, a medical emergency left Jacob in the hospital, and Amy had to break their tradition.

She placed a note on their front door reading, "My son is in the hospital, we don’t have any candy. Sorry," expecting a quiet night.

However, soon after, Amy started getting unexpected notifications from her doorbell camera. When she checked, she saw children pausing in front of their home—not to take, but to give.

“Tons and tons of kids were dumping baskets of candy out,” Amy said, moved by the display of generosity. She watched as one child after another left candy for Jacob.

One of those young givers was 6-year-old Mia, who had just finished her first round of trick-or-treating. Her father, James Sayen, shared, “When we sat down to rest, she looked at me and asked if we could go out again. All the candy she collected the second time, she wanted to leave for Jacob.”

Amy, deeply touched by the selflessness of these children, shared, "It's overwhelming, all the love we've gotten… and I don’t know half these people."

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