Inspirational Stories / Motivational Stories

The inspirational, feel good stories posted in this section are from everyday visitors, like YOU, through our post a story page. Please browse through the stories and then share yours!

inspirational stories

My Heart Is Overflowing With Gratitude

By Chani on July 24, 2024 / 403 views

By Chani on July 24, 2024 / 403 views

My heart is overflowing with gratitude. My husband lost his job 3 weeks ago so with no extra income things have been tight. Today is my youngest son's birthday and fortunately he is one of those kids that understands ' crap' happens so he understood he couldn't have a party and his birthday was going to very low key. He has a very special little friend who...

inspirational stories

A Friend I Never Met

By Joseph J. Mazzella on July 23, 2024 / 522 views

By Joseph J. Mazzella on July 23, 2024 / 522 views

Is it possible to mourn a friend you’ve never met? A friend of mine passed away recently. We never did get to meet in person. I first heard from her in a letter. She had been reading my stories in her local county paper and decided to write me and share her appreciation. I was so moved by her kindness and spirit of friendship that I wrote her back. That started a long correspondence between the two of...

inspirational stories

Arnold Schwarzenegger

By TreadmillTreats on July 20, 2024 / 577 views

By TreadmillTreats on July 20, 2024 / 577 views

I recently watched the Arnold Schwarzenegger documentary on Netflix, and I have to tell you how impressed I was with his life story. I remember back in high school when me and my girl Clara and I were the only two girls in the gym working out and lifting weights. Yes, this was back in the dinosaur days when girls didn't go to the gym. There were all these posters around Arnold. He was the...

inspirational stories

I Saw Your Kindness

By A Friend on July 18, 2024 / 901 views

By A Friend on July 18, 2024 / 901 views

At Aldi this morning, the self-service checkouts were all down, resulting in long lines at the only two open checkouts. When the eftpos machines stopped accepting PayWave, a lady at the front of the queue was unable to pay for her groceries with her phone. However, the kind lady behind her immediately offered to pay for her groceries and then gave her a hug. To the lady at...

inspirational stories

Never Stop Dancing

By Joseph J. Mazzella on July 17, 2024 / 1,089 views

By Joseph J. Mazzella on July 17, 2024 / 1,089 views

I realized something this morning: I don’t dance as much as I used to. When I was a boy I used to dance in the living room while I listened to the radio or my Mom’s old records. I would even sing songs to myself and dance a bit when I went for walks outside. As I got older I went to all the school dances and was never afraid to get out on the dance floor and dance. And after I grew up and had kids...

inspirational stories

A Bright Good Morning, World!

By A Friend on July 15, 2024 / 977 views

By A Friend on July 15, 2024 / 977 views

We wake up every day, yet how many of us stress about getting ready, leaving for the office, and attending those waiting meetings? We need to be prepared.....But what is the first thing you think about after waking up in the morning? For me, I connect with nature. The sound of rain, the light of the sun, and the soft breeze of invisibility... How many can relate to this? What is life truly about? Why do we...

inspirational stories

My Neighbor Brought Me Dinner Tonight

By A Friend on July 13, 2024 / 1,054 views

By A Friend on July 13, 2024 / 1,054 views

I’m a disabled vet, and stay at home dad of a special needs child. My neighbor was amazing tonight and brought a steak and potato dinner for me. Just amazing. Her name is Carrol. And she's...

inspirational stories

Thank You Kind Stranger

By A Friend on July 12, 2024 / 1,033 views

By A Friend on July 12, 2024 / 1,033 views

I am absolutely flawed by the kindness of the man who handed my laptop in to Logan Police today. I never put anything on the top of my car but earlier today I left my laptop on there, forgot about it and drove away. Incredibly it’s completely fine… no damage despite falling off my car. Thank you kind stranger. I’m so very...

inspirational stories

Most Impactful Kindnesses In My Life Time

By A Friend on July 10, 2024 / 1,480 views

By A Friend on July 10, 2024 / 1,480 views

15 years ago my son was 14 and he was diagnosed with brain cancer just two months after my own mother passed away from cancer. I had just recently become a single mother of two and this on top of everything else was devastating to me, emotionally and financially as can be imagined. There were so many acts of kindness over the two years of surgery, treatment, recovery, I could never cover it...

inspirational stories

A Winged Visitor And A Gift Of Joy

By Joseph J. Mazzella on July 08, 2024 / 1,866 views

By Joseph J. Mazzella on July 08, 2024 / 1,866 views

We were in the eighth day of a heat wave that seemed to have no end. The summer heat and humidity were draining and it had gotten so hot that I was even having trouble falling asleep at night. My body felt tired and not ready to take on the day. I sat slowly drinking my morning coffee and hoping that it could help to lift up my eyelids more than half-way. It was early in the morning and already felt afternoon...

inspirational stories

Pizza Hut Kindness

By Josh on July 06, 2024 / 1,525 views

By Josh on July 06, 2024 / 1,525 views

There are amazing people in this world put there to brighten peoples days! Working with my participant, we went to pick up some dinner, he asked some questions and the staff member was so understanding and listened and answered his questions. We sat and waited and they gave our meal and said good-bye. We hopped in the car and found a joke on the receipt from the staff member, knowing he...

inspirational stories

It's Bloody Cold

By A Friend on July 03, 2024 / 1,531 views

By A Friend on July 03, 2024 / 1,531 views

In the freezing cold someone/people left a box of jumpers outside for whoever needs them. "It's bloody cold. Please take a jacket if you need one!" the sign...

inspirational stories

A Lot Brighter Than You Think

By Joseph J. Mazzella on July 01, 2024 / 2,514 views

By Joseph J. Mazzella on July 01, 2024 / 2,514 views

I had just finished taking my dogs for their last walk of the day while darkness slowly fell over the mountains of my home. Just as I closed the door, though, a flicker of light caught my eye. I turned my head to see that a little lightening bug had flown in with us through the open door and was now frantically trying to get out again. As he flew slowly towards the door I quickly but gently closed my fingers...

inspirational stories

I Feel Prompted To Do This

By Tilly on July 01, 2024 / 1,797 views

By Tilly on July 01, 2024 / 1,797 views

My hubby and I were having lunch at our local shopping centre today and as we got up to leave, he said, "I feel prompted to do this", as he walked over to an obviously new young mom and handed her $50. She tried to refuse many times but his persistence paid off. (He's a keeper 💙) It is a much greater blessing to give, than...

inspirational stories

She Offered Her Brand New Stuffed Toy To My Daughter

By A Friend on June 28, 2024 / 1,888 views

By A Friend on June 28, 2024 / 1,888 views

My 2-year-old daughter had a procedure today. In recovery she was so upset and beside herself for a long time, despite the best efforts of the lovely staff. A young girl, maybe 10-12 years old who had also just had a procedure came and offered her brand new stuffed toy to my daughter to cheer her up. She fell in love with it straight away and cuddled and kissed it, and it really did cheer...

inspirational stories

I Think Pa Needs This More Than I Do

By A Friend on June 26, 2024 / 2,218 views

By A Friend on June 26, 2024 / 2,218 views

Last year my son and I went to Lowe's to buy his grandpa a weed eater and a certain attachment that goes with it. Grandpa is a little older and slower than he used to be, but he does a lot for us, so we wanted to spend a little money to help make his life a little easier. As we get there, there's only ONE of the attachments left that we wanted. Well, there was a guy there getting it down for...

inspirational stories

A Skipping Vinyl Record

By Joseph J. Mazzella on June 25, 2024 / 2,343 views

By Joseph J. Mazzella on June 25, 2024 / 2,343 views

It was a beautiful, Summer morning today. I took my dogs for their morning walk just as the sun was rising over the hills. The air was still cool and I laughed as I watched my dogs romp and play in the grass still wet with the morning dew. Then I did some morning chores and made myself a warm breakfast and a hot cup of coffee. I didn’t want to ruin the perfect peacefulness of the morning by turning on...

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