Chris Hemsworth Helps Terminally Ill Fan See Early Screening Of Avengers: Endgame

January 22, 2019

A terminally ill Avengers fan will get to watch an early screening of the upcoming film "Avengers: Endgame" after his emotional appeal got Chris Hemsworth's attention.

hemsworth and internet helps man see avengers movie

Alexander, 33, revealed his dying wish was to see the final Avengers movie as he is battling liver cancer, mouth cancer and bone marrow failure and has only days left to live.

The campaign went viral with the hashtag #Avengers4Alexander and led to Hemsworth asking Disney to get in touch with Alexander.

Days later, Alexander revealed that Disney reached out to him to discuss options.

"I cried when I read their email. It's everything I hoped for and I owe it to all of you," Alexander wrote on Reddit.

He added: "A few commenters have offered financial support. I've told them that money isn't my problem, just time. Instead I'd like to direct you to donate money for research into my genetic disease, Fanconi Anemia."

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