Woman Makes Store Owner's Day When No One Shows Up On His 35th Anniversary

July 28, 2018

Dave High, 61, isn't on social media, but on the 35th anniverary of his business, he experienced how powerful social media can be when combined with human kindness.

On Wednesday, Dave ordered cupcakes and drinks to thank the residents who have helped keep his Fresno Sunrise Vitamins store in business.

But no one showed up.

That is, until Kayla Jackson, 23, the wife of a security guard at the shopping center who often takes breaks inside Dave's shop, noticed.

"He was just sitting there, he had this sad look on his face and he kept repeating to us, 'it's our anniversary, it's our 35th anniversary today. It's really slow; it's one of our slowest days'," Kayla told CTV News.

Kayla continued to tweet updates, posting more pictures along with the store's phone number, encouraging people to give Dave a call and congratulate him.

woman tweets save mans store anniversary party

Within hours, Kayla's tweets went viral and Dave's store was full. His phone was ringing off the hook.

The calls came in from all over, including Colorado, Mexico and Hawaii.

woman tweets save mans store anniversary party

In an interview with ABC Action News, Dave admits he doesn't know much about social media or advertising.

"Do you understand Twitter at all?" asked Liz of Action News.

Dave answered, "Not so much, I will have to look on the internet and see what it means."

woman helps store owner anniversary on twitter

Kayla told CTV News she would be happy to help Dave with social media, if that's what he wants.

Watch the video below.

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