Found Out Yesterday, My Random Act Of Kindness Meant Something To A Random Stranger!

By A Friend • January 15, 2025

I crochet to keep my mind and hands busy. Probably have undiagnosed ADHA. Anyway, I keep a ball of yarn and a hook in my purse and make roses whenever I have to wait anywhere. Grocery lines, doctor's offices, as a passenger in a car... I like to hand them out to random strangers to give someone a smile.

Last year I was at my dentist, I had just finished a rose, so I gave it to the intern hygienist. Yesterday, I went with my aunt who's deathly afraid of dentists, and the girl at the counter looked familiar (different dentist office). After about 20 minutes she asked me if I crocheted. Then she told me that she still had my rose on her desk at home and loves to look at it.

I love to give them out, but it was amazing to find someone who still has one and remembered me from a year ago! It just proves that random acts of kindness do mean so much to random people.


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