It Costs Nothing To Be Kind

By Heather • September 6, 2023

As I left my airport hotel bound for my international flight I noticed an elderly lady heading the same way. She was pulling her luggage. I had a luggage trolley so offered her to use it too. She was grateful and offered to push it 1/2 the way but I declined. Turns out she was 80 years young.. 20 years my senior and we had a lovely chat as we walked.

Then when I got to international airport I found a change of flight times, and while waiting called up family to tell them. A man sitting near me said the same thing had happened to him. He said he was landing 2 hours later than his original and he had no way to contact his wife to let her know as his phone had stopped working and they live 1 hour from his destination airport so I gave him my phone to call her, ge was so grateful.

I'm not looking for pats on the back just wanted to highlight how easy it is to be kind and how much difference it can make for others.


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