Something Pretty Amazing Happened Today At Work

By Lucia • July 29, 2023

I don’t have any pictures or videos but something pretty amazing happened today at work.

I work at a Starbucks inside a target and we have some regulars. One of them was talking to my other coworker about her applying for other jobs. I think they’re both in their forties.

He asked her how the job search was going and she said she’d finished her resume but needed someone to help print it out since she didn’t have a computer. He was so surprised he was almost in disbelief. He told her he probably had an old laptop that she could have if she wanted and ofcourse she was like yeah that’d be great.

Nice guy, right?

He gets his drink and leaves and a few minutes later I go to the back to get something.

When I come back he’s handing her a box in a target bag which had a BRAND NEW LAPTOP he had just bought for her right then and there.

It was one of the genuinely nicest things I’ve ever seen in my life.


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