To The Metal Detector Man In Maine...
By A Friend • July 28, 2023
You ran right over to me. It was actually very endearing to see somebody care that much about a stranger to lend a helping hand.
We've all lost our wallets before, but when you lose your wallet in the sand at the beach, that's a whole different level of lost your wallet.
So there I am kicking around the sand in Old Orchard Beach for about a half hour with my phone flashlight (oh btw it was nighttime) let's add insult to injury. I must have looked insane.
But to this one gentleman, I just looked like I really needed somebody's help but didn't know how to ask for it.
For that, I will always remember the moment he offered to trace my steps with his metal detector.
He told me the metal detector would be able to pick up on the metal in my debit card, so we walked the beach and tried our hardest, but no luck.
This man was going to keep searching all night if I didn't stop him, and that was one of the kindest actions I've ever encountered. Truly, it was the highest form of selflessness, and it went a very long way with me.
Sometimes I get caught thinking that the world is just not as kind as it used to be until little acts of kindness like this remind me to keep going.
Honestly, I think a lot of our head games come from perspective. You may not believe this, but I believe there's grace in every bad situation thrown at us.
At first, I was upset I lost my wallet, but the situation it put me in while trying to find it was almost worth it. Hey, maybe I'm even happy I lost my wallet because it gave me a glimmer of hope back that there are still good people around!
So thank you for the perspective metal detector man. You are so appreciated.
Story originally submitted to Q97.9.
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