We Fell In Love In A Hopeless Place
By Chris • January 21, 2012
Well, you never know where you are going to find the person of your dreams, but know this, it can happen when you least expect it.
I was on a trip to Panama City, Florida with 3 of my best friends for Spring Break. I was 24 years old and I had never gone to Spring Break so I wanted to experience it once before I was too old. After arriving, we quickly realized that we were the oldest people there, most were 18-19 yr olds it seemed. But either way, we were having a blast. I mean the place is beautiful, and the weather was amazing.
So one night we are in a bar and about 30 feet away was a girl facing away from us. Our waitress took our beer order, and we asked if we could also order her, obviously joking, trying to get a laugh from the waitress. Well the waitress ended up telling her and she looked back and started to walk over. All of us were in shock, and pretty much thinking we were going to get chewed out or slapped.
Well, she ended up liking the request, and ended up talking with us for a while. She was also 24, and on Spring Break as a teacher. That night, my friends went to another bar, and I stayed with her at the bar for the rest of the night. We ended up seeing each other again the next morning on the beach and hung out for a while, before I got a little sick and headed back to the hotel. She ended up leaving and I never thought I'd see her again. She lived in Mississippi and I was in Baltimore, MD.
For about a year, we kept in touch through emails, random text messaging, and so on. Little did we know, our paths were MEANT to cross. I get an email telling me she was going to be in Virginia for the Holidays because her brother lived there, and in Baltimore one night for a concert. Well, of course I had to meet her at this concert, although I was a bit nervous, it had been a long time and our time together was short.
After that night, we were flying back and forth from Baltimore to Mississippi and 6 months later she moved in, here in Baltimore. We now live together, and are engaged planning to marry this September. I've never been happier, we are best friends, love doing everything together, and I would have never thought I would find the girl of my dreams at a Spring Break! The funny thing is, I didn't want to even go, my friend just booked it and told me the next day I owe him money for the trip. Little did I know, I was meant to go.
Look, you never know what life brings you and when the person that was meant for you comes along, but always keep an open mind. You never know what could happen!
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