Determined Train Clerk And Police Officers Find Woman's Missing Engagement Ring

May 24, 2024

Today's good news story comes from New York City.

A New York City woman's distress turned to relief thanks to the diligent efforts of an MTA ticket clerk and police officers who helped her recover a lost engagement ring on a train. The incident unfolded at Grand Central Station, where ticket clerk Nicholas Appel encountered a woman in a state of panic.

nyc officers find lost engagement ring
Nicholas Appel

Appel said the woman was "panicked, stressed, and on the verge of tears" as she rummaged through her bag. Concerned, he approached her to ask what was wrong. "That's when she said she lost her engagement ring, and from there on out, we were searching the whole train car," Appel recounted.

Despite their thorough search, the ring was nowhere to be found at Grand Central. Undeterred, Appel gathered more information from the woman and helped her file a police report. This is where the determination of two MTA Officers came into play.

nyc officers find lost engagement ring
MTA Officers who found the ring

Using the details from the woman's report, the officer identified the train she had been on and tracked its location to Brooklyn.

"As I was walking towards the last train car, I happened to look on the right and saw something shining and glistening... it was a big ring," Tongzon told WABC-TV. His keen eye had found the missing ring.

The officers quickly returned the precious item to its grateful owner the same day. Reflecting on the successful search, Officer Tongzon shared, "Me and my partner, funny enough, on our way to the call, I said I want to find this ring. It was a nice thing to do, and I knew it meant a lot to her, so we tried our best."

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