A Heartwarming Story About Stevie Nicks
By Netherworldly • October 25, 2024
Heartwarming Story Time: Stevie Nicks attended a sold out event at the film center I used to work at, my brother was the point person (I unfortunately was not around for it). People lined up down the block on standby, and after turning away many people just ahead of the show, he noticed an older woman standing in the lobby beside a younger woman in a wheelchair and asked if he could help them.
The mom explained that her daughter was a huge fan and that she Stevie were actually pen pals, they wrote to each other back and forth numerous times. She told him a little about her story and asked if it would be possible to let Stevie know they were here, they didn’t try and ask for a ticket to the show, but said they’d come from somewhere 4+ hours away.
Ordinarily, my brother would have abided by company and publicist policy and said no, but given his personal connection to their situation (beloved family member in a wheelchair) he said he’d try. He went up to the green room where Stevie was with her little dogs and told her. When Stevie heard his description and her name, she lit up and said “I know her!” and asked, even though it was time to head to stage, for him to bring her to them.
Well, he made it so the three of them could meet privately and Stevie was so engaged with the girl immediately, knelt down so they could look each other in the eyes, held her hands, and spoke with her for about 10 minutes while her mom sobbed emotionally beside her. After they tearfully and very happily left, Stevie thanked my brother for making that happen, that she was so grateful, and he in turn thanked her for being so awesome. The event went on and she was great.
Via netherworldly on Reddit
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