Inspirational Stories / Motivational Stories

The inspirational, feel good stories posted in this section are from everyday visitors, like YOU, through our post a story page. Please browse through the stories and then share yours!

inspirational stories

My Faith In Humanity Was Restored Yesterday!

By Jodie on June 24, 2024 / 1,389 views

By Jodie on June 24, 2024 / 1,389 views

My faith in humanity was restored yesterday! I accidentally left my handbag by a bench at the beach, by the time I realised (had gone for a walk with the kids and my Mum) it was gone. I thought the worst, locked my cards, rang my husband for spare keys for the car etc. Prompted by my mum I checked my messenger inbox to find ‘Sharon’ had found my bag and lived a...

inspirational stories

There Aren't Enough 'thank-yous' In The World!

By A Friend on June 24, 2024 / 1,202 views

By A Friend on June 24, 2024 / 1,202 views

I have family members traveling abroad in London and France. Yesterday I woke to a message that a family member’s passport and everything else in a wallet was pickpocketed. Today we see a Facebook comment on one of their posts that was set to public that the passport had been found!! A wonderful gentleman had found it and worked diligently to contact someone in the family to get the...

inspirational stories

An Old Dog, A Young Puppy And Me

By Joseph J. Mazzella on June 20, 2024 / 2,539 views

By Joseph J. Mazzella on June 20, 2024 / 2,539 views

My daughter’s dog, “Thunder”, has been in declining health for months now. He is eating less, sleeping more, and generally not doing well. Sadly, it is a pattern I have seen too many times as my own dogs have gotten older. Thunder is 12 years old or 84 in people years. It has always seemed so unfair to me that our dogs live such short lives compared to ours. Seeing that...

inspirational stories

A Bumble Bee Pin

By Cheryl on June 19, 2024 / 1,943 views

By Cheryl on June 19, 2024 / 1,943 views

I've been traveling with my family for a couple of weeks and while it's been lovely. My youngest is Autistic and sometimes it can be challenging. We went to pick up our hire car today and the lovely lady there connected with my daughter and gave her this beautiful bumble bee pin! It really made our day, so appreciate people that really 'see'...

inspirational stories

Thank You Beautiful Angel Lady

By A Friend on June 17, 2024 / 2,313 views

By A Friend on June 17, 2024 / 2,313 views

While standing in the checkout lane today, my hands were aching due to an injury, plus cold, so I was blowing on them. I'd been chatting, ever so briefly, to the lady behind me. She suggested that I get some winter gloves! I agreed with her and was thinking about where I would find some that would fit over a thumb brace. Anyways, I kept unloading my trolley, then suddenly she offered...

inspirational stories

This Is Just Too Amazing Not To Share

By Bex on June 17, 2024 / 1,980 views

By Bex on June 17, 2024 / 1,980 views

This is just too amazing not to share... I posted on our local Moms page, asking for tips about patching up my son's carpentry tool belt where his chisel had made a hole. I have patched a lot, but nothing as heavy duty. Amazing tips rolled in, but one insanely kind mom offered and insisted on helping my son out financially so he could replace the pouch. She understood having a...

inspirational stories

A Peek Of Sunshine

By Joseph J. Mazzella on June 14, 2024 / 2,557 views

By Joseph J. Mazzella on June 14, 2024 / 2,557 views

It was the last in a line of long, dreary, rainy days. I hadn’t seen the sun come out for more than a few moments for the better part of the week. Being a light lover this had left me feeling tired, rundown, and a bit grumpy. Even though I don’t usually pray about such things I asked God for just a peek of sunshine to brighten my day, warm my heart, and uplift my spirits. I stopped by a...

inspirational stories

Friends Being Brothers

By A Friend on June 13, 2024 / 2,118 views

By A Friend on June 13, 2024 / 2,118 views

My husband has a best friend he’s known for over 4 years now. They are always acting like a “MANLY MAN” when they are around each other. It’s always funny to watch them try to one up each other. When my husband and I announced my pregnancy to him, he immediately started making jokes like “eww nasty!” “I don’t need to know what you do in your private...

inspirational stories

Airport Angels

By A Friend on June 11, 2024 / 1,606 views

By A Friend on June 11, 2024 / 1,606 views

Today I had a flight back home that I urgently had to be on, anything bad that could have happened, happened. Traffic? Awful Airport? Busy with senior trips. I got through check in relatively quickly until I saw the line for tsa. I started to panic and cry over the wait to my mom on the phone not knowing what I would do, and that I didn't think I'd make my flight home, my anxiety shooting...

inspirational stories

Today I Learned That Even A Small Act Of Humanity And Kindness Will Be Repaid To You At The Most Important Point

By A Friend on June 10, 2024 / 2,695 views

By A Friend on June 10, 2024 / 2,695 views

Today I was part of 3 separate acts of kindness and it seemed as if the world was giving me a message to always be humble, kind and willing to help others to the extent possible. At 6 today in the morning, while I was en route my office, there was a lady who was requesting for getting a lift till somewhere nearby on my route. I could sense that she was getting late, and that it was too early to get...

inspirational stories

I Recently Moved From A City To The Country

By A Friend on June 07, 2024 / 2,212 views

By A Friend on June 07, 2024 / 2,212 views

I recently moved from a city to the country. I bought a large metal wine rack at a yardsale without thinking of how I would get it home. As I stood outside my car measuring, knowing da*n well it wouldnt fit, an older man came up to me. He asked if I needed help getting it home and offered to follow me in hos truck. I thought, ok... I'm getting robbed, but it was only 40...

inspirational stories

The Man In The Gray Shirt

By Kerri on June 06, 2024 / 1,950 views

By Kerri on June 06, 2024 / 1,950 views

I don’t know who this man on the right in the gray shirt is, but to whoever it was that stopped to help me and my son when we were in an accident on Sunday, June 2nd, on Burton Ave and Dorothy St in High Point before EMS, police and my boyfriend arrived, THANK YOU! It was a very scary moment, I was hurt and I couldn’t make sure my son was ok and you stayed by my side and helped keep me...

inspirational stories


By A Friend In Michigan on June 06, 2024 / 1,424 views

By A Friend In Michigan on June 06, 2024 / 1,424 views

I am blessed to work from home. Today, I suddenly heard horrible sound coming from out front of the house. I ran to the door and saw a child had fallen off his bike onto the sidewalk. WIthout a thought, I ran out the door and across the street, asking, "Did you take a bad fall?" Sobbing, he nodded. I had him show me where he was hurt, got him over to my house, and had him sit on...

inspirational stories

A Kind Conversation

By A Friend on June 05, 2024 / 1,913 views

By A Friend on June 05, 2024 / 1,913 views

I was trying to fly internationally for the first time to visit a friend in the UK in Spring 2010. You know, that year that the volcano erupted and you couldn't fly into or out of Europe for quite some time? I rode up to Chicago on the train not knowing if I was going to have a flight or not. It was just all kinds of extra stress on top of the stress of trying to travel internationally for the first...

inspirational stories

Remembering An Act Of Kindness

By Joseph J. Mazzella on June 03, 2024 / 2,647 views

By Joseph J. Mazzella on June 03, 2024 / 2,647 views

I was in my early twenties with a wife, a baby at home, and another on the way. I hadn’t been able to find a good paying job out of college and was struggling just to get by. The only work I could find was bussing tables and washing dishes at a local restaurant. I guess it didn’t bring out the best efforts in me because one day the manager spoke to me near the end of my shift, saying they were...

inspirational stories

I Felt Special

By A Friend on May 31, 2024 / 2,418 views

By A Friend on May 31, 2024 / 2,418 views

I, (29f), had a hard time sharing the things I liked with people. I grew up feeling looked over and wasn't sure anyone noticed if I was there. Family, friends, later coworkers... I just felt invisible. It's no surprise that I never really enjoyed my birthdays. They were all generic, just another day, nothing special. No one asked about my favorite color, or themes, or cake flavor,...

inspirational stories

I Could Never Thank Them Enough...

By A Friend on May 31, 2024 / 1,452 views

By A Friend on May 31, 2024 / 1,452 views

Today, me and my class went on a field trip to a museum, and we had to eat lunch in the cafetaria in the museum. There were other classes from another school, and they had taken over almost all the tables, there were only 3 left. The girls went to the bathroom, while the boys and I went to the cafetaria. They sat at a table that wasn't big enough for all of them, and even though they could just...

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