Young baby sitters donate earnings to children in need

July 12, 2013

Just 11 years old, Jordan and Harper aren't quite old enough to babysit by themselves. Instead, the two get work as "mother's helpers."

They watch children while the moms are at home working on other household chores.

The girls earn cash, but they don't keep a penny of it.

"We are donating all the money to Cook Children's," Jordan explained.

"Obviously, I get this help when I am at home, and it's just amazing that they are doing something for other children that need it," said client Sally Morris.

Jordan and Harper, who start sixth grade in the fall, recently presented a check to Cook Children's Medical Center in Fort Worth for $500; they earned $250 of it themselves, with their parents matching the donation.

Jordan came up with a business plan a couple of years ago in third grade. Now that she's old enough to act on it, she and Harper teamed up in an effort to give back.

"They just decided on their own, 'How about we give this away to children in need?' It feels just wonderful; we are very proud of her," said mom Teresa Spiegelman.

Both girls say they love children. Clearly — even at this young age — they've found a passion along with a very grown-up perspective that sometimes the payback is worth far more than the paycheck.

"It feels really good to give back," Harper said.

"It makes us feel really good inside," Jordan added. "We've touched so many lives of children, and we know that we are making them happier and helping them heal."


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