5-Year-Old Helps Homeless Cats, Believes He's A Superhero To Them

October 24, 2017

A 5-year-old boy has become a superhero to homeless cats on the streets of Philadelphia.

Meet Shon Griffin, a.k.a. "The Catman".

boy superhero costumes stray cats
Kolony Kats

Shon's aunt Kris Papiernik and her fiance have been involved with cat rescues and fosters for the past ten years. When Shon first expressed interest in helping out with the cats, Papiernik wasn't too sure.

"We were a little hesitant at first because they're feral cats, and we thought they're going to run from a rambunctious 3-year-old," Papiernik said.

But she couldn't have been more wrong.

One cat, Bug, would not cooperate when it came to getting shots and being neutered. "Nothing we tried worked," Papiernik said. "Bug eluded any close contact with us for two years."

When his aunt decided to let Shon help out, the cats took to him right away -- including Bug.

"Bug came right over to Shon, rubbed against his legs and allowed him to pet him."

From that day on, Bug was changed. He was neutered and got the necessary vaccinations. And he's become one of the friendliest cats in the colony.

boy superhero costumes stray cats
Kolony Kats

Since discovering his stray cat superpowers, Shon visits his aunt regularly, dressed as a superhero, and helps solve any problems that might arise among the 45 cats now under his aunt's care at four locations in the city.

boy superhero costumes stray cats
Kolony Kats

Shon loves the cats so much, he hates missing any chance to see them.

"If it's raining or cold or he can't go, he gets really upset," Papiernik told The Dodo. "He cries, and it really hurts him hard."

boy superhero costumes stray cats
Kolony Kats

"He truly loves them, and they love him back just as much."

boy superhero costumes stray cats
Kolony Kats

boy superhero costumes stray cats
Kolony Kats

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