High school football team joins forces to help bullied girl

November 6, 2012

Chy Johnson, a high school sophomore at Queen Creek High School in Arizona, is living with a brain defect. The result was causing daily bullying and mocking from primarily her female peers.

One day that all stopped.

Starting quarterback for Queen Creek High School's undefeated football team, Carson Jones, took action. Chy's mother contacted him on Facebook about the bullying her daughter was going through at school asking if he could give her any names to resolve the issue. Jones took it a step further.

"I just thought that if they saw her with us every day, maybe they'd start treating her better," Carson told the local news. "Telling on kids would've just caused more problems."

Chy now eats lunch with Jones and the rest of the football team at the popular lunch table. Other players such as running back Tucker Workman have been looking out for her in the hallways by walking with her to class. Cornerback Colton Moore asks her to sit behind him in one of his classes.

It's working.

Chy has stopped coming home in tears. Instead she is coming home excited and happier than ever. Chy's mother asked her why she was so happy to which she responded, "I'm eating lunch with my boys!"

CNN has nominated the Queen Creek High School Bulldogs for the America's Team Award due to their big hearted actions.

If you are worried that things might change after the Senior quarterback leaves for college next year, you can put that thought to rest. Jone's younger brother Curtis has already promised to make sure Chy continues to stay happy and safe.


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