Christian Rock Star, Whose Bible Songs Are Sung By Millions, Comes Out As Gay

August 14, 2014

Vicky Beeching, 35, British star of the American Christian rock scene and one of the most successful artists in US mega-churches has come out as gay.

The Independent

Vicky comes from a very conservative Christian background. She is the first high profile female theologian to come out and her songs are sung by millions around the American Bible belt.

The interview, in which she came out, was published this morning. But the news hit social media last night, immediately stirring up a storm of interest.

The reaction has been overwhelmingly positive - even from those who don't agree with her because of their faith. Amazingly, some have even said they will re-examine their beliefs. So supportive are the messages being sent to Vicky, from all over the world, that she was compelled to tweet a message of thanks.

It has been one month since the Church of England voted 'Yes' to women bishops. Vicky had been involved heavily in that campaign and now believes that the only remaining hurdle in the Church is sexuality.

"I strongly believe that people must agree to disagree, but be free to follow their own conscience. There may be priests who do not wish to carry out gay marriages and they should not be forced to. Equally those who would like to should be free to do so."

 "When you switch off your heart, your creativity suffers." She is looking forward to writing music again, and for the first time in her life, with no secrets to hide.

Via Telegraph

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