7th Grader's Service Dog Makes It Into The School Yearbook

June 6, 2014

For four years, Taxi has been by seventh-grader Rachel Benke's side in school, paving the way for possible future service dogs. And for the first time, a dog made it into the school yearbook.


Rachel has had epileptic seizures since birth. After two brain surgeries when she was six, her mother said she showed improvement.

When they first met Taxi, he actually failed the guide dog program due to a "cat" problem, and Rachel's mother didn't know if he'd be a good fit as a service dog for her daughter.

"We were very overwhelmed because of that time Rachel was afraid of animals," she said.

Then came time for them to meet.

"Next thing you know Rachel just hugged him and it was the cutest thing you've ever seen and I literally started crying and said there's my sign. They've been a team ever since," Benke said.

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