Stranger's Act Of Kindness Saves Single Mom's Christmas

December 20, 2024

Today's good news story comes from Bakersfield, California.

For Morgan Larsen, a single mother with an autistic son, the holidays seemed bleak this year. While traveling out of town, Larsen lost her bank card — a discovery that left her worried she wouldn’t be able to buy the Christmas gifts she had planned for her child.

But just when all hope seemed lost, a miracle arrived at her doorstep.

stranger returns bank card
Credit: Morgan Larsen / Nextdoor

An unexpected stranger rang her doorbell and returned the lost card. The simple yet profound gesture brought Larsen immense relief. She described the moment as a turning point in her holiday season and her outlook on people.

"It felt good," she told the local news station. "I felt like there are actually good people who genuinely do nice things."

Now, Larsen is turning to the Nextdoor app in search of the Good Samaritan, eager to express her gratitude directly. She wants him to know how his kindness has transformed her holiday and brought joy back to her family during a challenging time.

This heartwarming story is a reminder of how small acts of kindness can make a big difference — especially during the season of giving.

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