Couple In Their 80s Has Fostered 150 Children With No Plans On Stopping

May 4, 2024

Today's good news story comes from Lincolnshire, England.

Robert and Margaret Isdale have opened their hearts and home to over 150 children throughout their fostering journey.

couple fostered 150 kids
Robert and Margaret Isdale / Lincolnshire County Council

In a fitting tribute to their unwavering dedication, the couple, now in their octogenarian years, were bestowed with a prestigious lifetime achievement award at the annual fostering celebration hosted by Lincolnshire County Council.

"It's really quite humbling. It's not about us, it's about the kids we look after - they're the important ones," Robert, 81, said of the award.

couple fostered 150 kids
Robert and Margaret with their daughter Kim on the day she was adopted

Cllr Mrs Patricia Bradwell OBE, executive councillor for children's services, lauded the Isdales' profound impact, expressing hope that their story will ignite a spark of inspiration in others to embark on the rewarding path of fostering, thereby transforming the lives of children in need.

"You're there to give them an interim period of safety, to allow them to experience being part of a family," Margaret said.

The Isdales said they have no plans to retire, and will continue fostering for as long as their health permits.

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