Six-Year-Old Hero Saves Entire Family From Devastating House Fire

April 15, 2024

Today's good news story comes from Riccall, England.

In a remarkable act of bravery and quick thinking, six-year-old Olivia Patterson saved her entire family from a devastating house fire in Riccall, North Yorkshire.

little girl saves family from fire
Olivia (right) | Credit: Facebook / Laura Lee

On April 4, Olivia was playing outside at a neighbor's house with a friend when she noticed the fire coming from her house.

Realizing the danger her family was in, she bravely ran into the burning house and found her mother, Laura, 29, and her younger siblings, Joel-James, one, and Tiffany, two, asleep on the sofa.

Olivia quickly woke them up and everyone escaped the fire unharmed.

"We can't believe Olivia got Laura out," said Sadie, Olivia's grandmother. "She's six-years-old and ran into a burning building."

little girl hero
Olivia | Credit: Facebook / Laura Lee

According to Laura, the fire started in their next-door neighbor's house and rapidly spread to the roof of their three-bedroom home. Sadly, the structural damage to Laura's house is irreparable. A fire structural engineer assessed the property and confirmed that it needs to be demolished and rebuilt from scratch.

In response to the devastating loss, Laura's former colleagues have set up a fundraising page to support the Patterson family during this challenging time.

good news stories

"Everything they own has been destroyed," the page states. "The fire structural engineer has been out to assess Laura’s home, and they have been dealt a blow as the house needs to be knocked down and rebuilt, it cannot be saved."

The community's response has been overwhelmingly supportive, with nearly £5,000 already raised to help the Patterson family rebuild their lives.

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