Christian Bale Is Building 12 Homes To Keep Siblings In Foster Care Together

February 9, 2024

Today's good news story comes from Los Angeles County, California.

Christian Bale celebrated a monumental milestone on Wednesday as he broke ground on a project close to his heart—a vision 16 years in the making.

This endeavor, aimed at fostering a sense of belonging and familial unity, involves the construction of twelve homes and a vibrant community center in Los Angeles County.

Christian BAle good news stories
Christian Bale / Credit: KTLA 5

Having called California home for decades, Bale was deeply moved upon learning about the staggering number of foster children in the area, particularly the heartbreaking reality of siblings being separated within the system. Determined to make a difference, he embarked on a journey that led him to Chicago, where he immersed himself in meetings with children and family services.

Inspired by the resilience and potential for positive change, Bale enlisted the expertise of Tim McCormick, a seasoned advocate who shared his vision. Together, alongside UCLA doctor Eric Esrailian, they founded Together California—a beacon of hope and support for vulnerable youth.

Scheduled for completion in April 2025, the project represents a groundbreaking initiative in California, with an estimated cost of $22 million.

Bale, speaking passionately about the endeavor, emphasized its transformative potential and the urgent need for such initiatives.

"With our Together California model, [the village] is something absolutely new, totally transformative and something completely needed. Imagine the absolute pain and the trauma of losing your parents or being torn from your parents, and then losing your brothers and sisters on top of that, that's no way to treat kids," explained Bale, who recently celebrated his 50th birthday. "And so, we will be the hub for that. I hope that this village will be the first of many, and I hope that people, Californians and Angelenos, know to come join us in opening our eyes to what's happening right under our noses. These are our children, and we must help our children."

Watch the good news video below.

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