Right Place At The Right Time: Unrelated Incident Helps Bus Driver Save Child From Choking

January 31, 2024

Today's good news story comes from Volusia County, Florida.

A bus driver in Florida is being showered with praise for her quick thinking and heroic actions that saved a third-grader from choking on a piece of candy.

hero bus driver
Mayrelyn Lopez / Credit: WOGX.com

The incident unfolded during the afternoon route when bus driver Mayrelyn Lopez, responsible for the safety of the young passengers, noticed a disturbance in the back of the bus. Acting promptly, she resolved the unrelated disruption efficiently.

However, as she was making her way back to her seat, she noticed a third-grader in distress.

According to Lopez, the boy's face was turning a worrying shade of purple, a clear sign that he was choking. Without hesitation, and captured by surveillance footage, Lopez sprang into action, performing the Heimlich Maneuver to dislodge the obstruction from the boy's throat.

bus driver saves choking child
Levi Holder / Credit: WOGX.com

In an interview, Lopez humbly shared that she didn't have time to process the gravity of the situation; instead, her motherly instincts took over.

The grateful third-grader, now safe and sound, had a heartfelt message for his bus driver savior.

"Thank you for saving my life," he said.

Watch the good news video below.

A Volusia Public Schools spokesperson said they cannot share the surveillance footage due to privacy concerns.

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