Polish Parliament To Host First Ever Christmas Meal For Homeless And Others In Need

December 20, 2023

Today's good news story comes from Poland.

In a heartening initiative to spread joy and warmth this festive season, the Polish parliament is set to host its first-ever Christmas meal for the homeless and those in need.

Spearheaded by the new Speaker, Szymon Hołownia, this event is part of a broader plan to enhance the image of the chamber and make it a more inclusive space.

Szymon Hołownia / Credit: Wikipedia Commons

Scheduled for Friday, December 22, the Christmas Eve celebration will unfold in the grandeur of the Column Hall, the largest space in parliament outside the plenary chamber. The Sejm, recognizing its role as a public institution, aims to embrace the community and foster a sense of belonging among citizens.

Katarzyna Karpa-Świderek, from Hołownia's office, shared, "We want the Sejm to be an open place for citizens, and for people to feel that it is their place. The government has the greatest obligations towards people who have it the hardest." This sentiment reflects a commitment to extend a helping hand to those facing challenges in their lives.

The parliamentary catering service will provide a festive spread for the occasion, ensuring a delightful Christmas meal for all attendees. The event's capacity will be limited to the Column Hall's size, accommodating several hundred guests to maintain an intimate and welcoming atmosphere.

Speaker Hołownia's vision for the Christmas Eve gathering is to dedicate it to individuals experiencing difficult life situations, such as homelessness, loneliness, and migration. Applications for participation have been sent to non-governmental organizations, underscoring a collaborative effort to identify and invite those who would benefit most from this gesture of goodwill.

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