'Everybody Needs To Be Loved': Trucker Saves The Day For Young Man With Autism

December 18, 2023

Today's good news story comes from Eureka, California.

In a heartwarming display of community spirit, a young man with autism experienced the joy of a lifetime during the Eureka Trucker Parade. What started as a potential disappointment turned into a magical day, thanks to the kindness of a local trucker and the power of social media.

feel good story
Parker and his mom / Credit: KRCRTV.com

Parker had his dream of riding in the 35th Annual Trucker's Christmas Parade in Eureka almost shattered due to a last-minute mechanical failure in his original ride. However, Parker's hope was restored by the selfless gesture of a Redding man, Mike Divine.

Parker's love for semi-trucks has been a constant despite the challenges posed by his autism. Known in the Northstate trucking community for his passion, Parker has garnered a small following on YouTube through his "truck-spotting" adventures, documenting his love for semi-trucks across the region.

When the annual Trucker's Christmas Parade approached, Parker expressed his desire to participate, prompting his family to seek help from the community. A quick Facebook post by Parker's family garnered an overwhelming response from over 30 companies and independent truckers willing to make Parker's dream come true.

However, a setback occurred when the initially arranged ride faced mechanical issues just days before the parade. Despite the initial concern, a Redding local, Mike Divine, emerged as a hero. Divine, who had been one of the first to offer his truck for Parker's ride, dropped his plans for the week and drove his family and truck to Blue Lake, where Parker lives.

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Mike Divine / Credit: KRCRTV.com

Divine not only rescued Parker's dream but also went the extra mile by decorating his truck ahead of the parade. Recounting the experience, Divine shared a humorous anecdote of Parker attempting to untangle the lights, emphasizing the joyous collaboration between them.

"I would hand [Parker] the lights from up on top of the load, well his job was to feed it down through it," Divine told KRCR. "Well the first strand... he had it in so many knots that I was laughing on the way down, he was saying 'I'm sorry I'm sorry'. I said 'don't be sorry bud, I just want to know how you did it so I can get it undone'."

feel good story
Credit: KRCRTV.com

Parker's mother, Kelly, expressed her gratitude for Divine and the entire Northstate trucking community, highlighting the warmth and acceptance they have shown her son.

"Everybody needs to be loved," Divine said. "They want to be loved, accepted, and if I can make his night why not. It's all about him."

feel good story
Credit: KRCRTV.com

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