A Maryland Family Is Giving Away Free Toilet Paper To Anyone In Need

March 15, 2020

Amidst the great toilet paper shortage of 2020, a Maryland family is doing what they can to help those in need.

free toilet paper
The Grosh family

The COVID-19 outbreak is clearing store shelves of items such as toilet paper and disinfectants. So, Tom Grosh of Clear Spring, MD, is doing what he can to give back to his community.

"As I was sitting in the office doing some work at the end of the day, God said to me, ‘You gotta help your fellow man,'" Grosh said. "I knew exactly where to go to get the toilet paper and went and bought it. My wife said, 'Are you sure you want to do this?' and there was no hesitation — when God tells me to do something, I do it."

Grosh bought 10 cases of toilet paper containing 96 rolls each, loaded them onto his pickup truck and headed for a big parking lot to hand out rolls to anyone who wanted them.

Grosh's wife, niece and two teenage friends waved "Free TP" signs as drivers honked their approval on the highway.

Although some takers offered to pay, Grosh refused and asked them to instead pay it forward.

"(The outbreak) is a big effect, and we're trying to make a little bit of difference in our community," Grosh told The Herald-Mail.

"We're just trying to be a blessing and make somebody's life a little bit better."

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