Nurse Adopts Man So He Can Get A Life-Saving Heart Transplant

November 5, 2019

An ICU nurse in Georgia has given a man a second chance at life by offering to become his legal guardian.

nurse adopts man heart transplant lori wood
Lori Wood with Jonathan Pinkard

Lori Wood met Jonathan Pinkard when she cared for him in the emergency room at Piedmont Newnan Hospital in Coweta County, Georgia. Pinkard, 27, collapsed at work and was rushed to the hospital. He was told he required a heart transplant.

Unfortunately, Pinkard was not eligible for a new heart due to the fact that he had no family or support system to help him.

After two days of caring for him, Wood, 57, said she had a "gnawing" feeling that she needed to do something to help her patient.

"I think at some point God places people and situations in your life and you have a choice to do something about it," Wood said. "For me with this situation there was no choice. I had a room, I was a nurse, I could take care of him. So it really wasn't anything that I struggled about it was just something that had to happen. He had to come home with me."


Lori officially adopted Pinkard in order for him to get on the list.

In August, he underwent a heart transplant. Wood is now helping him learn how to live independently, and the 27-year-old plans to return to work in December.

Wood was nominated for the hospital's 360 President's Award which recognizes "deserving employees who go above and beyond for patients, visitors or their co-workers."

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