City Honors One-Of-A-Kind Delivery Man With Statue

October 3, 2018

The most popular citizen of Gresham, Oregon, is also the most unlikely businessman.

Todd Kirnan delivery man
CBS News

For the past 20 years, Todd Kirnan has been making deliveries for businesses in downtown Gresham.

Kirnan, who's autistic, works 12 hours a day, 7 days a week helping businesses with any task he can complete. Whether it's a coffee run, taking out the trash or a run to the post office, Kirnan does whatever he's asked.

But for Kirnan, it's not about the money.

"I like helping people, ya know. Making people happy and making people smile," he said.

Last week, hundreds of people lined the street to pay tribute to Gresham's one-of-a-kind delivery man.

Watch the video below.

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