Bank Of America Returns Stolen Funds To The World's Oldest Living WWII Veteran

July 5, 2018

Bank of America has restored stolen funds to the world's oldest living WWII veteran, 112-year-old Richard Overton.

bank returns stolen funds to veteran Richard Overton

Overton, who lives in Austin, Texas, learned his bank account had been completely drained. His cousin, Volma Overton, said Bank of America returned the funds and fully restored Richard's bank account.

"Man, I teared up," he said. "I couldn't believe it. They made it happen. The executive of the company said he'd take care of this, and he took care of it."

A Bank of America spokeswoman confirmed Wednesday that the bank was investigating the issue and had credited Overton's account. Austin police were also investigating, along with federal authorities.

Now, the oldest man in America can spend his days as he always does: sitting on his front porch, where he smokes 12 cigars a day and sips on whiskey and coke.

"Everything's back just like it was," Volma Overton said.

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