A Young Woman With Down Syndrome Fulfills Her Dream Of Presenting The Weather On TV

March 15, 2017

A 21-year-old French girl with Down Syndrome presented the weather like a pro after a Facebook campaign supported by more than 200,000 people helped fulfill her dream.

girl with down syndrome weather france

The campaign "Melanie peut le faire", or "Melanie Can Do It", was set up by the French charity Unapei in an effort to promote awareness and inclusion.

Launched in late February, the Facebook page reached its goal of 100,000 likes in just 36 hours.

girl with down syndrome weather france

Melanie received four days of training from France 2's weather team, including tips on presenting in front of the green screen where the graphics are digitally projected.

Her story has been covered extensively on French media and shared widely on social media.

girl with down syndrome weather france

"Melanie cannot read or write. The goal is to make her feel integrated," Nathalie Rihouet, head of the weather service of France Televisions, told the French newspaper Le Parisien.

"I'm different, but I'd like to show everyone that I can do a lot of things," Melanie said.

But becoming a TV presenter is not Melanie's ultimate dream. She says that what she really wants is to be a makeup artist.

Watch the video of Melanie presenting the weather below.

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