This Beautiful Couple With Down Syndrome Is Celebrating Their 22nd Anniversary!

February 25, 2017

A couple with Down syndrome has defied all odds

Maryanne and Tommy Pilling have been together for more than two decades, but when they first met, people doubted they would last.

down syndrome couple 22 years

Now, 22 years later, the two are still going strong and are just as in love as the day they met.

"I've never seen love like it among any other couple," Maryanne's sister Lindi Newman said.

The happy couple met at a school for special needs students and Maryanne was instantly smitten, her sister said. She brought him home for dinner and Maryanne's family fell for him, too.

Maryanne and Tommy can't read or write, but they have their own home and both have jobs.

Maryanne's mother lives next door and her sister is just down the road. They take turns cooking and cleaning for the couple, and Newman drives Maryanne to her job in a local shop.

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