Grateful Dog Is So Happy To Be Rescued

February 9, 2017

A photo of a young pit bull snuggling with his new mom while she does homework is touching the hearts of animal lovers across the globe.

grateful dog happy to be rescued viral picture
Facebook / Jamie Holt

"And THIS right here people is why you should adopt!!!" Jamie Holt wrote on Facebook. "My niece and her newly adopted ACCT Philly dog of less than 2 weeks. Talk about being grateful. There are just no words to truly describe the sweetness in this photo."

Kayla Filoon, a student at Temple University, adopted Russ after meeting him at ACCT Philly animal shelter. Filoon volunteers at the shelter and often takes the lonely pups for walks.

"He would not stop cuddling with me," Filoon said. "I fell in love."

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