Pokemon GO Saves Struggling Washington Ice Cream Shop

August 12, 2016

For all the good Pokemon GO has created for its players, some people who know nothing about the game are reaping the rewards too.

Gary Dear, owner of Mad Hatter's Ice Cream in Anacortes, has inadvertently found himself in the middle of Pokemon Mecca - and it could not have come at a better time.

Since Dear opened the store, he's struggled financially and even closed his doors recently because of an illness stemming from his time in the Navy. But just two weeks after re-opening, Pokemon GO exploded in popularity.

"Never in my wildest dreams did I ever expected it to end up like this," said Dear. "I've never seen anything take off like this."

Dear estimates his sales have doubled and even tripled on some nights. He is also extending his hours and hired a few employees.

"The Pokey light shines down on me!" he joked.

The community is embracing Dear and his business too.

"It was a shame to see him close up shop. We're glad he's back," said Rick Miller, who is playing the game with his daughter. "Some people are very frustrated with Pokemon GO; he loves it."

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