Cops Found A Dove Incubating Eggs On A Patrol Car. They Responded Wonderfully

June 21, 2016

Police officers in Parma, Ohio, discovered an eastern mourning dove had turned one of their patrol cars into a nesting place. There were two eggs in the nest.

dove cop car
City of Parma

Instead of getting irritated with what the bird has done on the police vehicle, the cops started doing things to make it more comfortable.

"Our officers are human beings just like anyone else. We care for all lives human and animal so the officers took a carrier to this bird, which they nicknamed Gerty, is taken care of and can take care of her young in the cruiser," Lt. Kevin Riley of the Parma Police Department said.

dove cop car
City of Parma

The cops attached an umbrella to the windshield and taped off the parking spot so nobody would bother her. They also dug up a bunch of worms to keep the expectant mom well nourished.

dove cop car
City of Parma

Thanks to the kindness of the police department, the dove stayed at the car for a week.

"We care for all lives, human and animal," Riley told the local news. Now that's what we call serving the community! 

The department clarified that the bird did not prevent the police from doing their job, as they had more than enough available patrol cars.

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