A Rescued Calf Becomes The New Companion For A Blind Cow Who Lost Her Pig Best Friend

April 19, 2016

Deborah Devlin runs the Don't Forget Us Pet Us animal sanctuary in Dartmouth, Mass.

One of her rescues is a blind cow named Baby.

rescue calf helps blind cow lost pig friend

Baby spent the last eight years living with her pig best friend, Lulu. Devlin says Lulu and Baby were inseparable. Lulu would guide baby around the farm, and even though they each had separate sheds, they chose to share one.

rescue calf helps blind cow lost pig friend

But Lulu died Sunday, and Baby was heartbroken. Devlin says Baby was mooing all day and night.

But fortunately, she wasn’t alone for long.

rescue calf helps blind cow lost pig friend

The calf, who has yet to be named, spent several weeks on the loose after escaping a farm with two other cows.

The calf's owner eventually found her, and she was returned to the farm last week. She had been destined for the slaughterhouse, but Jean Briggs saw stories about its escape and used her tax refund to buy the calf for $450.

Briggs then offered the calf to Don't Forget Us Pet Us.

rescue calf helps blind cow lost pig friend

Since the new calf was introduced to Baby on Tuesday, the two are doing great together.

"In case you need something to smile about before bed.... these two are doing great!!!!!"

rescue calf helps blind cow lost pig friend

Don't Forget Us Pet Us currently has over 60 unwanted and neglected animals at the sanctuary with no employees.

rescue calf helps blind cow lost pig friend

If you want to help out, here's information on their Facebook page.

"We know not everyone is in the position to give, please know your likes, comments, your support and love of our Don't Forget Us animals means just as much!"

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