7 Year-Old Virginia Boy Raises $10,000 For Elementary Schools In Flint, Michigan

February 22, 2016

When a seven-year-old Virginia boy learned about the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, he knew he had to do something to help.

Isiah Britt's parents contacted the principal at Eisenhower Elementary in Flint, who said students there were afraid to wash their hands.

The Britt's helped their son set up a GoFundMe page to raise money for his idea.

good news 2016

Isiah wrote on GoFundMe:

"Hi everyone! My name is Isiah and I am a 2nd grader at Buckland Mills Elementary in Gainesville, VA. I want to help the students at Eisenhower Elementary School in Flint Michigan. They have a lot of water bottles from big companies but they still can't wash their hands at school. So I am going to raise money to buy hand sanitizer for their school. $500 will help buy 20 cases of hand sanitizer (one case for each classroom). Once we meet our goal, we will have the hand sanitizer shipped directly to Eisenhower Elementary School. Thank you for helping me!"

In just over two weeks, Isiah reached his $10,000 goal.

good news Flint

As of Friday, the shipments have been confirmed for additional Flint schools:

"Pierce Elementary, Neithercut Elementary, and Holmes Elementary... you all have hand sanitizer coming your way! Order shipped!"

The second grader's impact on the Flint community has been huge, but he said he's happy he could find a way to make a difference.

"That was the best day of my life, trying to help a different school. It doesn't matter if you're small. It doesn't mean you can't do big things," Isiah said.

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