Army Dad Watches Quadruplets Being Born Via FaceTime From South Korea

February 4, 2016

14 time zones away was not enough distance to stop this military father from seeing the birth of his children.

Tony Burch, a 30-year-old Army captain deployed in South Korea, used FaceTime to watch his wife give birth to quadruplets at the AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center in Hinsdale, Illinois.

army dad sees quadruplets born facetime
Adventist Hinsdale Hospital

"He could see the babies as they were taken to the warmers, and he got the rundown on how they were doing and how much they weighed," Tony's wife Mary Pat Burch said in a statement from the hospital.

Mary Pat gave birth to Henry (3 pounds, 8 ounces), Nathaniel (3 pounds, 6 ounces), Samuel (3 pounds, 2 ounces) and Molly (2 pounds 14 ounces) on January 24.

There were 23 medical staffers in the delivery room, including obstetricians, neonatologists, and labor and delivery nurses — plus Tony Burch, via FaceTime.

army dad sees quadruplets born facetime

Tony was able to meet the babies in person — without the use of technology — when he returned on a special overseas trip from South Korea four days later.

(h/t) NBC News

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