He Found Out His Taxi Driver Had Never Been To A Theme Park, So He Brought Him Along

August 18, 2015

Liam Murphy, an engineer from Cork, Ireland is currently visiting the United Arab Emirates for work. On his day off, he decided to visit the theme park Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi.

On the way there, he discovered that his taxi driver, Shakiha, had never been to a theme park and was going to "wait in the car for four hours."

So Murphy invited him along...

Together they toured the theme park and Shakiha even rode his first roller coaster - which happens to be the fastest in the world.

Murphy learned that Shakiha has lived in Abu Dhabi for 14 years. The rest of his family lives in India and he sends money home each month.

man brings taxi driver to theme park

Murphy paid for Shakiha's admission (about $68) and on top of that, bought the man dinner.

"Every time he drops passengers off he stays in the car for the day," Murphy told BuzzFeed. "I decided to bring him along... I bought him some pizza on the way home."

man brings taxi driver on roller coaster

Despite feeling a bit ill after the ride, Shakiha said he had a wonderful time.

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