Four Brave Men Made The Ultimate Sacrifice To Save Hundreds From A Suicide Bomber

August 14, 2015

See these four people? They are heroes.

4 heroes make ultimate sacrifice

Last month, an ISIS suicide bomber tried to walk inside a packed Shi'ite mosque in Dammam, eastern Saudi Arabia. Because threats have been made in the past, volunteers stand guard outside to keep those inside safe. These four brave men were standing guard that day.

When they saw him coming, they didn't run or hesitate. Instead they jumped on him and covered him with their own bodies, absorbing most of the blast. Instead of hundreds dying, only two other lives were lost that day.

One was Abdul al-Arbash, a 22 year-old Wichita State University student studying electrical engineering. He was home for the summer to get married.

Thousands attended their funeral.

4 heroes make ultimate sacrifice

They made their mother's cry to protect a thousand more from grief.

4 heroes make ultimate sacrifice

A proud father writes: "My son died protecting others."

4 heroes make ultimate sacrifice

These are their humble graves in their home town.

4 heroes make ultimate sacrifice

Three days later, the mosque reopened. And people were praying again, with others standing guard.

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