Mother Elephant Spends 11 HOURS Straight Trying To Free Her Baby From A Muddy Well

March 29, 2015

A mother elephant spent 11 hours desperately trying to pull her baby free from a muddy well before villagers lend her a helping hand.

elephant 11 hours saving baby

The determined mom refused to leave her calf, using her trunk and then her feet in a bid to remove her precious baby to safety. Unfortunatley, she ended up pushing more mud into the well making matters worse.


elephant 11 hours saving baby

Luckily, kind-hearted villagers living near the Chatra district in India rushed to the scene after hearing the distressed cries. They were able to distract the mother and remove some of the mud stopping her from grabbing the calf.

elephant 11 hours saving baby

The mother then tightly wrapped her trunk around the baby's slippery, mud-caked body and pulled her out. The duo were later seen entwining trunks and happily walking side-by-side as they continued their journey.

elephant 11 hours saving baby

Credit: Dailymail.

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