The Amazing Way A Mother Dog Saved Her Puppies From A Massive Forest Fire

March 20, 2015

A stray dog from Valparaiso, Chile, acted on instinct when she and her nine puppies were trapped in a forest fire.

dog buries puppies forest fire

The smart and heroic dog buried her puppies to protect them from the flames, then she ran away and took cover as well. All ten dogs were found alive and well and they have been rescued by a local animal rescue.

As firefighters fought the flames, local residents informed them they had seen a mother dog moving her week-old-puppies and possibly burying them to protect them from the fire. The rescue men took off in search of the dogs and soon found a hole dug near a large metal storage container. Inside the hole were nine healthy puppies awaiting rescue.

dog buries puppies forest fire

Immediately, the firemen started to dig out puppies and transport them to safer place. They searched for the mom, too, and found her taking cover inside a burned down home not too far away from her puppies.

dog buries puppies forest fire

The heroic mom has been named Negrita (Blacky), and she and her puppies are now with the animal rescue. Local residents have come forward with donations for the dog family and many area residents have expressed their interest in adopting the puppies as well as the mom.

Watch the rescue video below:

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