Vets Are Good People, I Had A Look Behind The Scenes Today

By A Friend • January 24, 2025

Due to a temporary disability at the moment, when I need to "go" I REALLY need to go. Whilst on the bus, suddenly I had the urge, and knew I had maybe 5 minutes.

I immediately jumped off the bus and unfortunately, the stop was largely residential, with only a vets and a Subway. I knew the Subway from a previous experience and they're not friendly, so ran into the vets, explained myself quickly and three of them rushed me to their private work toilet.

Thankfully, got there in time. But as I sat there, I looked at the back of the single, rundown work toilet door. It had stickers and posters all over it, mostly hand drawn, some printed.

"Take a breath and remember 3 GOOD things that happened today. If you notice a collegue looking withdrawn, check in on them. If you're struggling, please reach out! You're doing an important job" Etc etc. And some crisis numbers. There was a packet of tissues, and face wipes, obviously for anyone using the bathroom to cry.

Looking at the compassion and the tools they were trying to provide each other with their long shifts, with often traumatic endings, both broke my heart and really healed something in me.

Vets are good people.


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