A Woman Bought Me A Water To Make A Bottle, And Held My Baby While I Actually Made It

By A Friend • January 13, 2025

Yesterday I went sledding with some friends and family at golf course that had a restaurant/bar inside.

My daughter is 6 months, and when she was starting to get cold I brought inside to warm up. When we sat down on a single chair, a woman offered to move off of a couch so we would have more room.

After she warmed up, I called my husband to bring in the diaper bag so I could make her a bottle.

My MIL brought the bag inside, but when I went to make a bottle, the water had spilled and there wasn’t enough to mix the formula. Neither I or my MIL had our wallets so she went outside to get my FIL or husband but they had just went down the hill and would be a while climbing back up it.

My daughter started crying, and this woman immediately gets up and brings back a water bottle. Then she asks how she could help, if she could make the bottle or hold the baby if I was comfortable.

So I let her hold my daughter while I made the bottle.

By time my MIL came back in my daughter was already calmed and drinking her bottle. It was just so very nice of that woman to help me out. Honestly, everyone has been so nice to me since getting pregnant and having my daughter.

People say it takes a village and it’s always nice to find even random people looking out and trying to take care of others.


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