This Changed Me

By A Friend • November 13, 2024

I have this little bracelet that my dad gave my mom when they first started dating. Since my dad died before I was born, I have always cherished this bracelet.

Well one day while working at a big financial institution this bracelet broke. I placed it into my desk drawer and forgot about it overnight. Turns out the janitors cleaned out all the drawers and accidentally threw my bracelet away. When I arrived the next day, I panicked and looked through all the trash cans I could find until it was determined it must be in the dumpsters out back. My boss and several coworkers rolled up their sleeves and climbed into the dumpster to find it, mind you they are all in suits and dress shoes.

About an hour later they all championed into the building chanting ”we found it” covered in grime. I come from a rough background and I hadn’t ever felt this level of kindness before.

This changed me, and ever since I try to always go out of my way for others (especially for the seemingly small things).


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