What A Blessing For This Day

By Moriah • June 12, 2023

While killing time between appointments at Melbourne's Royal Children's Hospital, there was a mum on her phone muttering to herself and quietly freaking out.

I asked her if she was ok, and she explained that she left her bank card at home and her card on her phone wallet wasn't working for some reason, so she couldn't pay to get out of the carpark.

While I was busy trying to help her get her cards working on her phone, a grandmother stepped forward and handed her $50. The mum then asked if she knew her bank details, and the older woman told her to give it to a charity. Though thanks to Pay ID, the mum is able to pay her back.

But this lady handed over $50 to help someone out with no concern of being paid back; just to help. What a blessing for this day.


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