Thank You To The Woman I Have Never Met, Who Sends Me Love Notes Randomly Throughout The Year

By A Friend • January 22, 2021

We have met, just not in person. I am a mortgage banker so I do my financial transactions over the phone and computer. This lady is a borrower of mine and I have done two of her refinances over the past couple of years. She is not a woman that is my mother‘s age, not a grandmotherly type of client, because men or women of that age are always very loving and they check up on me. This woman is my age.

We have never met in person, she lives in New Jersey and I live in California. I always try to make a Mortgage transaction as exciting as and as fun as it can be and of course her loan turned out great, but nothing spectacular happened where I saved the day or anything like that. Everything ran smooth and it was fine and normal protocol. Mortgage is not the most exciting thing in the United States of America. Every couple of months, For the past three years she will email me a little note that tells me how much she appreciates me, how I made a difference in her life, how smart I am, and how thankful she is of me.

I have a stressful job, and sometimes my cheese is falling off my cracker all day long and just one little note from her completely changes my whole day. Sometimes it even makes me cry a little because it’s exactly what I needed to hear. Little does she know that that one little action to somebody she barely even knows does so much for me over here on the other end.

This morning I turned on my computer and was trying to wake up and grunting at my emails and there it was, another note from her. I started my day in such a good mood and I let her know how much she makes a difference in my life! I also let her know how lucky the people are that are in her life if she treats everybody like this!

Our relationship has only been business and she finds the time and kindness in her heart to send me these notes. No one has ever done that before, not even somebody that loved me. (Except my mom’s notes in my lunch when I was a kid.)

Everyone is so stressed out and lonely right now. So to the woman that has been doing this thank you so much and you make a difference in my life! Take a moment in your day tomorrow to do one little nice thing for somebody, even if it’s for someone you do not know. You can make one little difference in their life and put into motion a whole stream of positivity after that. It feels good to say I felt a little love today, and I found myself passing it on to everybody else I spoke to after that.


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