Dig Deep

By Kurtis Merritt • December 19, 2013

Buried deep is a treasure I long to find, this treasure would make me rich in endless ways. Great thing about this treasure is I'm the only one who knows where it is buried, only I know the route to it and its exact location. There is one huge problem with getting to this treasure there are countless of obstacles in my way and I just been so weak to fight threw it all, if I could just find this treasure oh the places I could go! Alot of times I feel that time isn't on my side, I was so close to that treasure a long time ago but I just gave up to quick, this time I can't give up I can't loose sight of this treasure because this treasure is filled with a hope , a dream and talent so pure it will make me into the person I'm supposed to be. I'm ready for every obstacle in my way and nothing will stop me from finding that treasure inside me, I just have to DIG DEEP!!!!!


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