How Little Faith Provides Miracles
By Lloyd Celeste • April 8, 2019
One day my fiancé sent me a text message telling me that she needs money for her graduation fee. However, she has no salary for the month of May because classes have already ended.
I replied to her, "Okay, this is what you are going to do. Put it in your mind that after 30 days you will have the money that you need.
Worried and sad, she said, "Okay, I will try".
After a week, while she attended a seminar for teachers, she said to me, "I have good news for you, but I will just tell you when we see each other".
I was thinking what is the good news for me?
I am excited to hear that.
When we met, she said, "Thank God, you know what we had a conversation with my friend in Texas and I don't know why they told me that they are going to send me $100.
Well, Praise the Lord!
I told her, "You see, I was right. Just believe and have faith and you will receive miracles."
Few of us only believe in miracles nowadays, but for me, I received miracles on a daily basis.
Consider this; the moment you wake up in the morning is already a miracle.
Of course, who would think that you are still breathing today?
The moment you open your eyes and see the beauty of your roommate and hear their whispers in the morning into your ears is a miracle.
However, in today's generation because of the hassles in life, we don't consider these few things to matter in our life.
Come to think of it for a while.
When was the last time you experienced a problem that you thought of giving up?
Well, I say, don't give up.
There is a miracle!
I've watched a sermon of a Pastor and I learned that to receive a miracle we need only two things.
Yes, you read it right only two things that this miracle will be ours and it is one of my secrets in achieving anything in life.
Again, this is not a theory of worldly philosophers, but I believe that this is useful for any individual, regardless of religion, race, gender or belief.
This works for me, and if it works for me and it will not work for you, then try to discover "Know what went wrong" in the book "Wise Decisions."
One last question before I will share this with you.
Do you really believe in miracles? If yes, here is my inspiration for you today.
According to that Pastor, if you need good health, new house, financial stability, etc... add FAITH.
Add everything you need today that you can think of and this one thing called FAITH; and you will have everything in life.
Add FAITH in order to receive miracles. If you don't have needs, then you don't need miracles.
"Needs are the stuff which miracles are made of and it is where God can show His love to us."
That is why all we need is God and our faith in Him to receive miracles.
To continue with the story, after two weeks, my fiancé's friend sent another message through FB.
He said, "Give me your complete name so that we can send you money." Another message was sent saying "Your money is now ready for pick up at remittance center. It's about $200."
It's a miracle!
Our experience points me to bring you a story in the Bible about a poor woman who for twelve years has suffered from a disease that made her life a burden. This story can be read in one of my favorite books "Desire of Ages" in the chapter The Touch of Faith with a full reference in the following verses in Matthew 9:18-26. The writer wrote that the woman felt assured that if she could only go to Him, she would be healed. And "It was not through the outward contact with Him, but through the faith which took hold on His divine power that the cure was wrought." (DA p. 342-344)
Absolutely, it was by faith that the woman was cured.
How many of us today have this faith like the woman?
According to the author, "Many hold faith as an opinion. Saving faith is a transaction by which those who receive Christ and join themselves in covenant relation with God." "Genuine faith is life. A living faith means an increase in vigor, a confiding trust, by which the soul becomes a conquering power." (Desire of Ages p. 342-344)
All we need is faith and trust in God to achieve everything in life.
"But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." - Hebrews 11:6
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