Achieving Your Goals

By Job Lazarus Okello • May 27, 2017

Imagine a football match in which two teams are competing for a trophy, but there are no goal posts. Which of the teams will take the trophy? Obviously none! This can be likened to having no goal in life. The absence of the goal posts means the players cannot know the direction in which to kick the ball; because normally the ball is kicked in the direction of the opponents’ goal post.

Like the goal post, a goal gives you the direction to follow as you chase what you want to achieve in life, it focuses your efforts, attitude, shapes your morals, behavior, etc. towards it.

It is therefore paramount that if you want to succeed in life, then setting goals should be the first priority in whatever you do or set out to do. However, setting goals alone isn’t enough if you don’t work towards achieving them by putting in all you can. Only those who set clear and realistic goals, then incessantly pay the price to achieve them, succeed in life. Usually the main goal is broken down into small ones which are achieved first. For example, if your main goal is to make a profit of 10 millions in a year, then this can be broken into daily, weekly or monthly sub-goals. This means, every day, week or month, a portion of the 10 millions must be made. You must therefore; clearly define the goals based on what you want, lay the strategies to achieve them depending on the situation and available resources, evaluate your progress, and adjust where necessary and above all, believe in yourself that you can achieve the goals.

It should be noted that challenges are always part of the struggle to achieve goals however while striving hard to achieve your goals, don’t focus on the challenges you encounter; but on the goals, for they are bigger than the challenges.

About the author:

Job Lazarus Okello is a motivational speaker and author. Currently (2017), he’s pursuing Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Makerere University, Uganda.

Twitter: @lazjob

Facebook: Job Lazarus Okello.


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