God Heard My Prayer
By Anita • November 10, 2015
I couldn't bear the heartache that was inside me.... I felt all alone. All are there but i'm alone. The person whom I felt would never use me... had. I couldn't tell anyone but my pain was unbearable... I wanted to tell my pain... make it go away but I didn't have anyone whom I could trust......
I prayed all night to give me someone to just tell how I felt...
In the morning I told GOD "You promise but, I am yet to find one which you have kept". Felt GOD too has left me...reached office and opened my computer and as I was browsing I found Sunny Skyz.
I didn't even know there was this site until today...but GOD had heard my prayers and found me someone to share my pain....maybe not the way I expected but ..... it feels good!!
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