Asymptotic Towards Giving Up? No Way!
By Keziah Bulacja • September 14, 2015
Too tired of struggling every day? Strained enough and the skies above you are so dark that there's not even one star which you can pin your hope into? Derive strength from your knees..
Problems come in various masks. They may at times build you but most often shatter you. And yes, you find yourself thinking of giving up now.. You are in an asymptotic behavior towards giving up. Just an asymptote, but don't even dare to exactly cease from reaching your dreams. Retract! Let your dying dreams be alive again by spending time with GOD who makes ALL dreams come into REALITY. Pour out all your cares to Him no matter how insignificant it may be for an aggregate insignificant cares may soon be significant if you fail to submit each one of it to Him..
"..Your hope comes only from Him." (Psalm 62:5) That's why, if you're still on the verge of deciding whether to quit or not, KNEEL!
K-Keep in mind that God loves you and He wants to talk to you always.
N-Never doubt His promises.
E-Enthusiastically live the life that He has given you. Try to encourage others even if you don't think that you're not in the position of encouraging them for once you do it, you'll feel encouraged as well. :)
E-Ever be thankful for all circumstances, they have purpose.
L-Let His words be your guiding principles in life.
He lovingly looks at you. He wants to hear your voice. He cares for you. He trusts you. Be happy. Have faith!
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